Bay Area housing availability could dramatically worsen with the potentially devastating impact of rising sea levels.
“Teaching Never Ever Gets Boring”
Meet Taryn Stanko, Recently Honored with a Distinguished Teaching Award. The former computer programmer changed careers and now teaches management.
Cal Poly Startup, Led by Former Mustangs Football Player, Developing Device to Detect Brain Injuries
Business graduate Connor Heffler and his team have had assist form the Center for Innovation & Entreprenuership
“Technostressed” Out
Research Team Explores Why Some Might Avoid Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace.
The Art of Sustainability
Packaging Professor Jay Singh Joins Consortium Seeking to Reduce Carbon Footprint of Traveling Art Pieces.
Orfalea College of Business Faculty are Teaching the Future by Incorporating Artificial Intelligence into Lessons
The business community has already embraced AI in several ways.
Putting the Pieces Together
Business student was a key player on award-winning 2024 Rose Float Team the structural lead for the float, which won the Crown City Innovator Award.
Statistical Models Can Help NBA Teams Build Winners, Economics Professor Says
Joseph Keuhn’s spots economics research has been cited by ESPN and the Athletic.
The “Cool Tio”
LatinX Cultural Association’s DEI Chair Wants to Help Others While Honoring His Background. “Mexico holds a very special place in my heart.”